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Deborah Leslie is a published short story writer, children’s novelist and prize-winning Doric writer. She is the author of two children’s novels:  Flumphaderries, Flanganans and the Real Book of Bennachie, and The Time-Tailor and the Fyvie Castle Witch Trials. She has also published three collections of short stories written in the North-east’s Doric dialect: Doric – Alive an Kickin, Doric – Alive an Kickin 2  and, most recently, Doric – Hale an Hairty.

Book covers by Rob Ward, Illusion Illustration

In 2008, Deborah’s play, The Clock on the Waa, was produced and performed at the Lemon Tree theatre.

Although, Deborah’s children’s work is in standard English, she is a great ambassador for the Doric dialect and its preservation. This love for the Mither Tongue has inspired her to pen many short stories and poems in the North-east’s vernacular.Deborah has won five prize awards for her Doric writing. The most recent was 1 st prize in the Senior Short Story category at the 2009 Buchan Heritage Festival. She was also awarded 2nd prize in the festival’s Doric story-telling competition.Photo taken at the Buchan Heritage Festival, Ritchie Hall in Strichen.

the author